The Employee Samurai Edge

How Ancient Secrets Rapidly Sharpen
Leadership and Career Performance

  • Turn Challenges into Triumphs
  • Unleash Confidence, Resilience, and Leadership
  • Stop Feeling Stuck
  • Shift From Overwhelmed to Empowered
  • Learn to Stand Out


The exclusive leadership program 
developed at Johns Hopkins University and based on the bestseller

"The Code of the Executive"

by Don Schmincke 

. . . and his work with over 15,000 CEOs

Like many, you have days where:  

  • You want more success faster.
  • You hold back from taking risks.
  • You get frustrated by being passed over.
  • You feel you're not getting enough recognition.
  • You're afraid your career lacks purpose. 

But you've done all the right things.

  • Put in long hours
  • Took on new projects 
  • Attended the company training programs
  • Read all the best-selling, self-help books
  • Have the certifications
  • Watched the TEDx videos
  • . . . and have a coach.

So, do you stay quiet and frustrated?


Or continue arguing with your manager? 



. . .  But there Is Another Way

Training over 15,000 CEO’s revealed 3 alarming discoveries stopping employee careers...

Discovery #1:

Your manager wants you to do what you've been avoiding:


  • - Take more risks.

  • - Help get at the truth.

  • - Call someone out on their accountability.

  • - Challenge new ideas.

  • - Expose dead-end projects.

  • - Be honest.


And stop hiding in the masses!

Discovery #2:

You're not failing management, management theories are failing you 


Scholarly research finds management theories fail to implement 70-90% of the time. Even in companies loaded with bestselling books on leadership, I see wars raging on as executives try to make needed changes, and weary employees try to resist.

Discovery #3:

There's nothing wrong with your career development efforts!

You probably know more than enough about what to do to become very successful.


Something deeper sabotages you by causing you to:

  • - Hesitate

  • - Hang on to old beliefs

  • - Let ego get in the way

  • - Not be brave enough

  • - Resist change

  • - Get sucked into politics

Fear and Selfishness



from sabotaging your career





The answer was buried in ancient leadership secrets codified over 700 years ago.(1) 


Oxford gave me permission to publish it.


I then trained over 15,000 CEOs.



Now I'm going to teach it to YOU.

 (1) the content emerged during the Japanese Heian period (794–1185) and formalized during the Kamakura period (1185–1333).

Hello, I’m Don Schmincke

At MIT and Johns Hopkins I studied planetary physics, biomedical engineering, and genetic evolution. Then I spent 30 years on global expeditions researching strategic performance of humans.

Like many other "thought-leader" consultants, I have the usual credentials . . .

  • Written books (3 best-sellers)
  • Delivered over 2,000 speeches
  • Been awarded as a top 10 speaker (for world’s largest CEO organization)
  • Top 20 Business Minds Award
  • Lifetime Achievement Speaker Award
  • Trained over 15,000 CEO’s in over 100 industries

Yet, I’m the guy they bring in when all the “experts” fail. 

Incredible experiences resulted from my research:

  • nearly arrested as a capitalist spy in the Soviet Bloc
  • got shot off an aircraft carrier
  • survived in the Kurdish capital as Tehran held hostages
  • was the first white person brought into an African Tsonga village
  • developed missile inertial guidance systems while my frat brothers took Vegas (later exposed in the movie “21”)


So, yeah, I’ve been through a lot figuring out how to help you solve your leadership and career challenges.



Strengthen your leadership and career performance in 7-weeks.


Based on the program Don Schmincke developed at Johns Hopkins.


Each module in this online course contains:

  • Practical implementation exercises with on-the-job action steps.

  • Multiple, highly effective instructional modalities including:
    • Brief, easily consumable content
    • Useful downloads
    • Short, impactful video lessons of 5 - 7 minutes


And performance checkpoints with your manager

to enhance your success!

Why Use Samurai Training?

(a brief 20-second overview)


What's In The Program?

These are the weekly Modules

Taking personal responsibility for the journey becomes critical for the path ahead.

- Be responsible for your performance and blame no one.
- Understand the value of engaging with your manager.
- Prepare your manager for support.
- Prepare yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically.
- Realize the value of the disciplines you will learn.

Fear stops employees from reaching higher, taking needed risks, and improving their performance. 

- Identify which fears stop you.
- How to move beyond your fears.
- Seek higher growth and development.
- Aspire to a higher potential despite your fears.
- Be more willing to innovate.
- Be open to feedback and coaching.

Sustaining competitive strength requires continuous evolution. This means change is necessary, and that means something must die in order to be replaced by something else.

- Understand why change occurs.
- How to accept, engage, and support change.
- Reduce change resistance.
- Step up to accept new roles and responsibilities.

Primal, selfish, ego-driven behaviors hinder strategic execution. Understanding how to deal with this effectively frees the organization for higher performance.

- Get EGO out of the way.
- Let go of what's holding you back.
- Make faster decisions.
- Stop blaming and infighting.
- Let the team mission drive.
- Reduce selfishness.

Strategic performance requires "Accountability". Employees need to be “counted on” by the CEO to fulfill duties, make wise decisions, and honor the values and purpose.

- Be brave enough to do the right thing, even if uncomfortable.
- Focus more on results .
- Hold yourself and others accountable.
- Tell the truth even if unpopular so that management knows about real issues and can address them early. 

Honoring values, goals, and purpose are critical for successful organizations. This becomes strained when disrespect arises from other employees, customers, or competitors. But a Samurai employee has no excuse to violate this Code.

- Why and how to honor company values.
- Lead from trust.
- Ensure honesty.
- Preserve integrity.

What's In It for YOU

  • Elevate your respect as a leader 
  • Accelerate your career growth
  • Enhance your pay
  • Open more career growth opportunities 
  • Be recognized and rewarded more

More professional fulfillment even if you feel your career is stalled or you’ve been ignored. 

Imagine the Impact If You Were: 

Brave enough to:

- Take on greater challenges

- Tell the truth before it's too late

- Act courageously without fear

- Be admired for accountability

- Embrace and lead change with less resistance 

Honorable enough to:

- Protect your values

- Follow your ideals and purpose

- Not be distracted by politics

- Demonstrate selfishlessness

- Not blame, but accept mistakes

- Gain increased respect as a leader

Strategic enough to:

- Influence performance

- Make faster decisions

- Solve problems effectively

- Engage others more deeply

- Increase competitive performance


What are the consequences if you wait?

  • Less recognition and rewards

  • Continued pain and frustration

  • Wasted time

  • Harder work day

  • Missed financial opportunities

  • More fear and doubt

Time to Strengthen Your Career and Leadership

The future isn't going to wait for you

Individual  Student Tuition 



  • Group discounts available. 
  • Group progress coaching option available.
  • Contact: [email protected]
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